Tips and Suggestions
Enterprise grade servers can be bought second hand on Ebay for a lot cheaper
You don't need enterprise grade equipment to run a nodeRyzen 7, 32GB ram, at least 500 GB NVMe should be enough to run something
Most second hand servers come without rails and front disk pockets. You will need both
Some servers require extra cables, such as NVMe extenders or similar. Make sure to check that out first
Awesome YT channel to watch and learn before you buy anything
All servers need power supply. Research UPSs, PDUs, surge protectors and other similar devices to protect and power your equipment
Modular setups are more resilient. For example small networking devices can greatly benefit from an additional offline UPS, powering only that particular device
Servers have 2 power supplies for a reason. Ideally each one should be connected to a different input source
Think of powering networking devices, with an alternative input supply. If the power goes down, the nodes wont work without the network.
Automation (use existing software to ease your life)
Use open source tools. Find a list here
Design cable management and your space in advance
Servers make noise. Be prepared. They also produce heat. You need to think about it in advance
"Do not put public and private (nodes) infrastructure in one basket". Your public endpoints should be separated networks
Physical security is as important as digital. Ideally, the server room should have 24/7 security, and limited physical access
Learn to read logs, don't guess. Learn to use packet tracing. Don't guess. Learn to monitor your nodes. Don't guess
Last updated